Optimus IEMGD for Windows 7\8\8.1\10

Optimus IEMGD was develop to fix some bug of IEMGD on Windows >7 releases and get the maximum performance or reduce problems in newer OSs. The proof of concept is described down but essentially with this software solution (not a driver) you will takes the advantages of microsoft basic driver and IEMGD
-2020, Reloading project: I resumed my old pc for my garage's projects, unluckily I have lost 1.2.2 source code ,but not 1.2, so I will not rebuild some function( i mean language editor and refresh rate changer for gma500).
SetFSB is probably an Abandoware (website is down), and also RWeverything is not upgraded anymore from 2017 so I will include them into my project.
My tiny tool is now a little bit smart: it supports windows 32bit PCs not only US15 platform
Should also supports 64bit OS (not tested)

I'm not a good programmer but it seems to works so enjoy it :)

ChangeLog 2021 Version:
-Fixed Vsync partial error
-Added SetFsb (old version)
-Upgraded Mesa 3D Software library
-Added Run with elevated kernel priority (you can use also to run bat file for RwEverything OC)
-Removed many items from settings (editable via reg file or registry)
-Added SetFsb autorun option: On boot will be setted Super OC Profile
-Added Time and Date auto fix on boot: required wifi connection enabled
-Fake VRAM :  add HW and registry fix onfly
-Added Vertex Render external program
-Added DirectX control with external program
-Added TDR fix 
Not Tested enough and also only in Win7 so report bugs or wait fixes. 
Default settings include ASUS 1101HA parameters...post will be updated in few days for more infos!
Use  settings-windows-directx to edit DX settings: may return higher fsp disabling HW acceleration but also glitch (tested performance of Mafia under win 7 with disabled HW direct 3D and OC)

Alpha Release V3: DOWNLOAD - Mega Link


Default Paramaters SetFSB OC for Asus 1101ha: (disabled only cpu multipler function):
Super 1587MHz min 10x multipler
High  1502MHz min 8x multipler
Normal 1333MHz stock multipler
Low 1201MHz max multipler 8x
Ultra low 790MHz with multipler  6x
Anyway you can edit them checking OS stability!
NOTE. FAKE Malware detection from Google Server, simply download it and check by yourself with a professional antivirus online\laptop if you are not sure. 

This tool works with dos commands and old vb code so it's not still optimized...really old project!
I will not upgrade it anymore if alpha is enough stable, my old asus is now in my garage, touchpad is not working and some keyboard's key are faulty.
Autorun partially fixed cause:
-schTasks doesn't support AC option (when battery is on...so useless for a laptop)
-Powershell 4.0 doesn't include Task scheduler module (from 2012) so command is different vs old 2.0 (Windows 7)
-registry is locked for security: HKLM-Software-Microsoft-Windows NT-CurrentVersion-Schedule-taskcache-tree (you can delete task but not modify path)
 So xml is the easiest way to support all win versions without adding more code (my way! ) but in alpha version need to edit path in xml file
-Probably  error check if c: doesn't have windows folder (don't worry)
-Probably error with 64bit OS cause tasks are stored in system32 (i didn't check if 64bit os use it)
-Brightness control doesn't work with software rendering:  Determinated, when video driver is disabled, the monitor.sys is turned off too by the system and it isn't restorable. The only way to change brightness is to renable hardware rendering, change brightness and then select software rendering (not a bug)
-OpenGL Selector doesn't work in Software Mode and will be only available Opengl 1.1 (not a bug)

What exactly can do Optimus IEMGD + Plugins:
-Switch between GPU rendering and CPU rendering turning off GPU (manual mode)
-Run an App with elevated cpu priority
-Switch Opengl between Intel Hardware and Mesa 3D Software Render
-Change CPU multipler (Intel speedstep need to be enabled, don't know if it works correctly also for AMD but i suppose. it's a microsoft configuration)
-Overclock CPU via SetFSB (maybe in future I will add some code for RwEverything for now only script via run function)
-Change Brightness Level
-Change Fan speed ( by default is supported only Asus eeepc command but anyway command is editable)
-Edit GMA500 V-RAM (set preallocated to 64MB and registry value to 256, this mode can fix some app problem)
-Change Intel Vertex Rendering Settings
-Change Avalon HW\SW rendering and Antialiasing
-Change generic V-sync configuration
-Autofix data and time on windows boot (for old laptop with dead battery). This function requires an internet connection on boot, so if your laptop doesn't have it will never works
-Launch Overclock on windows startup
-Change Directx rendering mode
-Set TDR values may avoid old gpu driver crash (value is 30 sec instead 5/2sec)

1)RwEverything: http://rweverything.com/ (great software)
2)Intel Display Adatper Managment Tool: don't know official website or official name (intel gma x3100 management tool?).  Anyway it is a simple windows registry editor that write few settings (i have no volition to write more code so we will use it if we need it. i can remove this app in future and add code into my tool). I removed startup bug because it doesn't recognize Intel GPU without registry string "SPDIFVendorName: Intel"
3)SetFSB: no official website in 2020. It was an overclock utility for old pcs that use winring library
4)Directx.cpl : unknow author . Like Intel Display ect. it is a simple windows registry editor (i have no volition to write more code so we will use it if we need it, i can remove this app in future and add code into my tool)

First steps: 
Unrar archive, you will find Optimus.exe, readme and plugins folders.

1)Apply InstallSettings.reg (you can also edit some parameters if you don't have asus 1101ha)
2)Run SetFSB patch (in plugins folder) to know your code and apply in setfsb, if you need the program :D 
3)Edit autorun.xml with notepad (this is my fault). You have to write correct optimus path (down)
4)Run Optimus


Optimus.exe and plugins folder need to be always in the same location!

How it works:

1)Run Optimus IEMGD or Optimus.exe

2)Change Windows Option to make icon always in try icon

3)Select a function from tray icon: Using Software\Hardware you will enable or disable IEMGD

4)Run quickly Software Mesa 3D or Default (on win 7 default is 2.0 HW while in win 8\8.1\10 is 1.1 SW)

5)Change  your CPU Multipler and set a SetFSB profile (if it is enabled)

6)Change Brightness Level

7)Shortcut for basic tasks 

8)Fan Speed Control (with default settings only Asus devices)
9)Generic V-Sync Control (may not work with some app\gpu)
10)Others Windows Shortcuts with link to Intel Software and Directx control

Microsoft Avalon settings, App Autorun (you need to fix plugin xml with correct path in alpha version), TDR delay is a fix to avoid gpu crash if not responding after 5sec (here setted to 30sec), SetFSB autorun will speed up your pc at boot, Only CPU multipler function will disable setfsb in CPU manager function and so will be changed only cpu multipler. Run Elevated: 2 ways Win Mode or Dos Mode.

-Run Win mode by default is setted with high priority on kernel but if you use bat file will show prompt
-Run Dos mode by default will run at normal priority but will not show prompt. 
If you want you can elevate priority in registry adding string in HKCU\Software\OIEMGD\Path 1,2,3.
For ex first path is C:\testfan.bat (dos mode) and i want to change priority. Go to registry edit Path1 and add start /low(or belownormal,normal,abovenormal,high,realtime) C:\testfan.bat. 
This function can also be used to add parameters in certain apps\games to disable functions or not.

NOTE. CPU Multipler Select function:


-Software Function: Enable this feature when you need to surf on internet, write documents or other things that doesn't require the use of your GPU
-Hardware Function:Enable this feature when you need to play HD video in your video player and play some game that doesn't work with software rendering
-Check that your notebook supports your max display resolution with Microsoft Basic Video Driver
-CPU Multipler function requires Intel SpeedStep enabled from your system bios (usually all z5xx Atom have this function enabled by default)

First get your GPU class and ID, you can get it several ways.
For ex. Download you video driver and unzip it. Go to the folder with many files and look for INF file. In Intel GPUs driver usually in LPCO  folder
Open it with any text reader, for ex.Notepad
Usually Inf has different gpu support but class is the same. If you don't know your GPU ID can google it or look in Control Panel\Device Manager\Video Card\your GPU\properties:
Other ways:
Prompt DOS: wmic path win32_VideoController get PnPdeviceID (if you are not sure check name)

Advanced Commands:
Cause the GUI should have less option I leave this to nerds.

These are editable DOS parameters for RWeverything or SetFSB (example Asus) [Check before function in program]
Here you can change Fan command & Intel program shortcut. Optional Performance OC (by default ,with setFSB, timer is setted to 5sec and no PCI Overclock for stability)

SetFSB Command Line Switch Options:
   -w : Wait [00-99 sec] default=10sec
   -s : Set FSB [000-999 MHz]
   -i : Increment(targetFSB > currentFSB) or Decrement(targetFSB < currentFSB) [00-99 MHz] default=max 
   -u : 0(default)=normal , 1=ultra
   -b : 0(default)=normal , 1=background
   -p : PCI-E [000-999 MHz] default=none
         FSB overclock[set PCI-E then increase FSB], FSB underclock[decrease FSB then set PCI-E]
   -q : Quiet [no GUI to be displayed at all]
   -cg[string] : Clock Generator default=none Maximum 15 characters

 Example: -w05 -s300 -cg[ICS9LPRS918BKL] -u1

Proof of the concept:


As many of you know, IEMGD and Windows newer releases are not so compatible and sometime overall performance are low.
Actually IEMGD bugs in Windows 8:
-Apps glitches
-Reduced HW rendering vs Windows 7
-No Hardware OpenGL
-Some crash

How we can try to resolve these problems, maintaining the "720p" support in video players?
The solution is real simple.I took it from NVIDIA Optimus project (i know it's not the same thing but the aim it's similar).
There is a driver that:
-Runs apps without glitches in startup
-Doesn't have any problem with restarting function
-Have a better 2D rendering (software)
-Doesn't have OpenGL hardware rendering
This driver is called "Microsoft Basic Display Driver"

Mixing these features in "Optimus IEMGD" concept we will get on win 8\8.1\10:
-720p Video support in video players -> Hardware Decoding
-1080p Video support about 20FPS fullscreen (not so smooth but enough speed)-> Hardware Decoding + Min Multipler X10 + PowerDVD11
-480p Adobe Flash support (15FPS Windowed Youtube Videos) ->Hardware Decoding
-Video Streaming support (usually less than 480p) ->Better with Hardware Decoding
-360p HTML5 support ->Software Decoding
-Normal Apps Startup -> Software Decoding
-Smooth Windows GUI for the best user experience ->Software Decoding
-Software OpenGL 1.1 and 3.3 ->Software Decoding
NOTE. Experience with 1366x768 display (better performance with lower resolutions)

Limit of Optimus IEMGD with GMA 500 and bugs:
-Lower performance in Windows 8\8.1\10 vs IEMGD on Windows 7 (newer Os use too much resoucerces for old GMA)
-No OpenGL Hardware accelerated...only software (need a good cpu!)
-Requires that your video bios supports your display max resolution* or in software mode you will get a lower resolution (see bios patch post)
-OpenGL HW render is  only compatible with IEMGD actived (HW rendering mode)
-Requires Admin's Rights
-Fan Manager should work only with Asus devices (if you know how to control your fan by RWeverything write down)
-Brightness mode can wrongly detect brightness level at first run. Reason: the tool doesn't integrate code for powerstatus so it can't know if you are in AC or DC mode (charging). It's not a problem cause it edit both profiles so if you set, for ex,  level 100% , it will set max brightness to AC and DC mode

PATCHED BIOS for ASUS 110HA with updated resolution and Software to edit other PC: DOWNLOAD - Mirror2: DOWNLOAD - Mega Link: DOWNLOAD

*Note: verify that your video bios has your display resolution. (Asus 1101HA doesn't have 1366x768 and need fixed bios: look here).

Actual version: Optimus IEMGD 1.2 Alpha (09 Jan 2021)

ChangeLog :
Optimus IEMGD 1.2R alpha
After I lost the souce code of 1.2.2 version decided to reload version 1.2
-Removed\add some function (less is more)
-Only English
-Now it can supports other PC
-Minor GUI restyle
-Removed Intel try icon autorun. Reason: name change between GPU. To disable it use Intel software or msconfig. On GMA500 named igfxtray.exe + services: hkcmd (hot keys) and IgfxExt. 

Missing: (to remember myself what i can implement in future. TBD...so don't ask for it!)
-Temperature check for fan section. (thermal acpi zone is not returning correct value in my old device) and the usage of EC value will not work on other devices.
-Language editor
-FakeEdid support
-Minor Intel Driver settings customization
-Wmic fixes
-Auto detect GPU id and class: for now is in manual mode because i want to check what happen to the code with dual gpu
-Implement function of Directx external manager

Optimus IEMGD 1.2.2 [Abandoned, lost source code and no volition to rebuild it]
-Freeware (No more donations required)
-SourceCode upgrade
-DirectX and DirectDraw Options (software rasterizer)
-Initial display refresh changer support. Should work only on Win7, may damnage you hardware (usually displays work @60Hz so don't force over the range 50-65Hz)
-Language Editor

Optimus IEMGD 1.2.1 [09 Sept 2016]
-Internal Beta testing features
-Not Released for unstable functions

Optimus IEMGD 1.2 RC1 [10 Jan 2016]
-Major Update but in beta test: some limitation vs definitive version 1.2
-AutoSave function (now at every system restart the program lost it)
-Brightness Fn Button Function Restart (After hibernation the EMG Driver lost Fn button function for brightness: workaround fix)
-Fan Speed
-Run Option
-Initial MultiLanguage Support
-Downgraded to Framework 3.5 (it's impossible to program on Atom Z520 with newer framework)

Optimus IEMGD 1.1 [31 Jan 2015] 
Minor Upgrade: Insert checked function in brightness control and setFsb section; Disabled OpenGl Changer and Brightness control when Software Rendering is enabled; Upgraded Installer; Framework 4.5 Upgrade; Updated GUI

Optimus IEMGD 1.1 RC1 [07 Jan 2015] 
-Added SetFsb Utility: IF YOU WANT TO USE THIS FUNCTION Have to buy SetFSB from official website! 
-Added Avalon HW: Disable\enable Hardware rendering for WPF Applications
-Added Brightness Controller
-Fixed some bug: Intel tool restart function, Opengl random copy error.

Optimus IEMGD 1.0 [Nov 2014]
+Initial version
+Software\Hardware Rendering
+OpenGL Selector
+Autorun control for OI and Intel Tool

25 commenti:

  1. Hi! I have an acer AO751h currently on windows 10 TP and I suppose you can imagine how it goes, so give a little help what do I download What do I pay and generally what do I do to get this old donkey dancing :p :p Just kidding... I appreciate ur work very much!

    1. Hi, actually Win10 TP isn't so stable with gma500 driver. The main problem is the new OS's kernel. If you are testing it just: start\run digit services.msc look fo DIAGNOSTIC TRACKING SERVICE and first turn it off then from its properties disable autorun. Then read Optimize Windows SpeedUP post.
      Don't buy SetFSB for Win10TP because the licence is valid only for a windows key (so if you reinstall it with a different microsoft key, the program will not work!)
      Best Regards

  2. hello, i have a vaio X winth gma500 and atom z550, but system go very slow because of the graphics driver
    with this program can i solve this?

    1. Optimus iemgd is used in win8/10 to switch from iemgd to stock win driver when video driver is slow on 2d rendering. It also enable mesa 3d software opengl for basic tasks because gma500 hardware opengl isn't supported in newer os.
      Your pc has the best cpu of z5xx cpu with gma500 and also has 2gb and ssd( so you don't need any hardware upgrade). The platform is slow because it is a mid platform. you can improve a little the performance reading all my blog: read exp video,web browser and windows speedup posts. The best os is still win7 home premium

  3. Hi! Donated 2 days ago. Still waiting :( Confirmation number: 07E13007LC862362R

  4. Risposte
    1. Actually no, i have few time to program it. Anyway an update will be done because i'm testing fixes also in my new laptop with intel HD500 not gma 500.
      The idea is to recode it and expand compatibility. Let's see what happen

  5. is it possible for us to still purchase and get the last stable version for use until 1.2.2 comes?

    1. I removed it because it's not serious to sell an utily without upgrades and in release candidate version. The other buyers supported gma500booster website and for this I released the latest iemgd package and updated some file/post.
      I can still sell it but it's not complete and i don't know when version 1.2.2 will be available.
      In my idea it will be a freeware when i will not add other function

    2. Is there anyway to get that "freeware" version?
      Really wanted to test. Or I can donate instead of priceless one. Which one I should do?

  6. Hi! First of all, thank you for your work and all your efforts!
    I really would like to test your utility, even if it's just a release candidate. Is there any chance that you share the Optimus IEMGD 1.2 RC1 until the final version comes? (if it finally comes!). Thank you!

  7. It can not be downloaded for the moment, isn't so?

    1. probably in may. I'm changing a little bit the code and adding directly plugins for not add more code (i mean vertex registry mod and directx software mode will be added by external plugins). I'm also trying to remove possible errors for multigpu so it will not autodetect gpu ID and GUID(manual mode: anyway default value will be for GMA500).

  8. Ciao ho installato windows 7 lite edition 32bit con il driver 1.18 ,è possibile scaricare il software per la riproduzione di video HD su youtube?

    1. la riproduzione di default su youtube avviene da anni in un formato non supportato dall'accelerazione hardware della gpu. questo provoca un utilizzo massivo del processore cpu con rallentamenti vistosi. nel post video browser un utente aveva commentato su come migliorare la fluiditá. sinceramente non so se funziona ancora (dato che il web e i browser sono cambiati negli anni)
      personalmente usavo l'addon(potplayer youtube shortcut) per mandare direttamente a Potplayer (programma) i flussi video/audio direttamente in h264 HD (non so se funziona ancora)

  9. Hi. Firstly I appreciate your work on the driver of GMA500. You are great! I just want to know when this optimus will be ready to be downloaded? Thanks

  10. Hope in Xmas 😂 not using anymore my old netbook at home but only in my garage for my car.

  11. Uploading 1.2 alpha version...not tested enough and only in win7 but it's time to release something 😂.
    Removed and fixed many things so sorry if it not working correctly (report).

  12. Ho provato a scaricare il file ma mi dice che non posso perche contiene un virus O_O

    1. ciao, purtroppo alcuni antivirus si inventano le cose :D
      Non ti da la possibilità di scaricare il file infetto? (al max lo ricarico su un altro host)
      Con alcuni antivirus scarsi ci sono falsi positivi su:
      -Optimus (compilato da me quindi sicuro 100%,inoltre il codice non è neanche offuscato :D),
      -intel vertex (non compilato da me ma ho verificato il codice ed è pulito)
      -setfsb key (non decompilato, non controllato ma genera una chiave e poi si può anche eliminare).
      Ho eseguito anche una scansione con Virus Total online e su PC con Panda,Windows Defender, Malwarebytes, McAfee,Kaspersky,Eset Nod32 insomma i principali non c'è nessun malware.

  13. Good night, I'm seeing your work here for the first time and congratulations!
    I have an AO751H with win8.1, cpu z520, 2gb ram and the bios only allows 8mb shared video!
    Which driver do you recommend in this configuration?

    1. Hi, download the driver from download section.
      Probably you see memory preallocated that is standard for this gma and fixed to 8mb. Shared memory depends by ram quantity and isn't fixed DVMT(soc supports max 2gb and v-ram shared up to 1GB)

    2. hello, google driver does not allow for downloading by any browser, because it accuses virus, do you have another link to download?

    3. give me one day to reupload it somewhere(probably Microsoft OneDrive). I love this new 2021 problem with google hosting after 8 years :D Anyway not a big problem few people are still using an Atom laptop
