IEMGD Add-On was develop to replace Intel CED on multipurpose devices.
It includes all basic functions to generate a compatible driver without download above 100MB package!
Program Startup: Open the ComboBox and select a setting
ComboBox:You can try to install a Common Display Profile selecting one of them in the list and then pressing OK button (will start windowed setup) or checking Fast Setup and then OK (will only showed the request to install unfirmed driver). Select your display MAX resolution!
NOTE. The common resolution profiles don't support all devices because each manufacter use different display panels. So if you tested the driver and it didn't work (black screen or alterated colours) you can use:
Note. IEMGD Add-On Other INF function doesn't patch the configuration file so in the OS maybe will be showed a IEMGD incorrect version (but the driver will be always EMGD 1.18)
CUSTOM: Here there are basic settings to support all displays
You can insert your display settings (look with AIDA64 your display ID and then look for display's datasheet on google) or you can edit Common resolution profiles (just select a profile and then CUSTOM)
All values are described in your display's datasheet except Intel Flags. (0x20000 should be compatible with many devices)
Note. Pixel Clock is the display Refresh Rate (by defaults all resolution profiles are at 60Hz)
CheckBox Disable Edid: this function will disable the reading of display properties so you will able to use a different configuration if your device has a complete EDID (read IEMGD Editor Section)
Import Video\Audio Port files: Intel Embedded Video Driver doesn't include HDMI audio support or maybe incompatible with your external video port. If your manufacter released a custom package you can download it and try to apply fix directly to IEMGD. Select only HDMI folder in your manufacter video driver package (Beta function: Setup can crash on error)
Import Video\Audio Port files: Intel Embedded Video Driver doesn't include HDMI audio support or maybe incompatible with your external video port. If your manufacter released a custom package you can download it and try to apply fix directly to IEMGD. Select only HDMI folder in your manufacter video driver package (Beta function: Setup can crash on error)
Manual Mode: this function open the configuration box. Here you can do a lot of things if you are an advanced user.
CheckBox Manual Mode: Apply your options in the textbox
For ex. After write the display configuration you can eliminate Intel Tool Startup directly deleting the register keys:
; igfxtray.exe execution on startup
HKLM,Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run,IgfxExt,,%11%"\IgfxExt.exe /RegServer"
Note for all users:
A)If you are a common user, before play with CUSTOM mode without knowledge and uselessly, use default resolution profiles (if the driver will work be happy! if not unistall from control panel or from windows safe mode\control panel)
B)If you have a working profile for a device not supported by my little tool, please attach it HERE (Probably will be Usefull for someone)
CONFIRMED DEVICE [Common Resolution Profiles]: (write a comment to add your device at this list)
Acer AO751H
Asus 1101HA -1201HA
Archos 9 PC Tablet
Dell Mini 1010
Fujistu U820 - U2010
Kohjinsha SX3
MBook SE
Nokia Booklet 3G
Viliv S5 - S7 -X70
Sony Vaio P VGN-P720K ; VGN-P29VN_Q
Sony Vaio X, Fujitsu U820, Asus T91MT (USE Other INF Function)
Sony Vaio X, Fujitsu U820, Asus T91MT (USE Other INF Function)
Tablets\netbooks\notebook that requires CUSTOM Mode in IEMGD Add-on:
Probably most of Sony Devices: P series
I will not add any other profile!
Ho installato IEMGD add-on 1.18 su acer ao751h il driver funziona ma dopo il riavvio esce la schermata blu di windows 10 con errore kernel
RispondiEliminaHo anche provato ad eliminare dal registro le 3 chiavi descritte nell'articolo ma nulla.
Come posso risolvere il problema?
Ciao, prova ad aggiornare le directx. Il supporto del driver é terminato e a fine dicembre 2017 funzionava. É probabile che qualche patch di microsoft abbia ridotto la compatibilitá visto che ho notato alcune modifiche anche sui sistemi precedenti (obsolescenza programmata)
EliminaGrazie per le risposta, ora sto usando un driver ufficiale ed funziona, solo che dopo un Po lo schermo diventa nero e devo sospendere le sessione, al riavvio funziona tutto, sino in attesa di ricevere una ram da 2gb,sperando vede un Po meglio.