WINDOWS SpeedUP - Tips for ATOM and Windows 7 - 8 - 10

It's quite impossible to do a complete post about how optimize windows anyway i'll try to give you a complete list of the things that have to be done.

Device: Asus 110HA
CPU: Intel Atom Z520 @1.33 GHz (in this test wasn't never overclocked)
GPU: GMA 500 @ 200MHz
HD: Mechanic Hitachi 160GB SATA Port on PATA controller (max 60MB\s )
Usage: Common Windows User ->Web Browsing, Documents, Videos, few games and video streaming

In our case US15 platform, an atom solution, is a really low performance unit, where the limits are setted by every hardwares: CPU,GPU,RAM,HD and OS.
Windows is a good OS but is develop for different kind of machines and this is why we need to apply many fixes to speed up its overall performance in old devices.

A) Upgrade Hardwares\Drivers\Softwares
B) Delete Useless Files
C) Fix Problems in the OS and in the hardisk
D) Apply tips in windows
E) Suggested Programs

A volte può capitare che il quantitativo di ram con cui viene venduto un device non sia ottimale per il nostro utilizzo ed è perciò necessario incrementarla.
Quando decidiamo di comprare una nuova ram è meglio "sapere" alcune cose al fine di fare il migliore acquisto:
-Tipo di ram da comprare (CPUz ci può dare queste informazioni o tramite visione del seriale stampato sulla ram oppure tramite manuale utente)
-Frequenza del nostro sistema (CPUz o il manuale della scheda madre)
-Caratteristiche della ram che dobbiamo acquistare (negoziante o  internet)

La piattaforma US15  può supportare massimo 2GB di ram e avendo un rated FSB (front side bus) di 533MHz è compatibile con i principali formati DDR2:  PC2-4600(533Mhz),PC2-5300 (667MHz) e  PC2-6400 (800MHz)

Tuttavia  la ram PC2-4600(533Mhz) è sconsigliabile perchè la serie Atom Z5xx è overclockabile tramite FSB (via setFSB o Asus Eee Super Hybrid Engine) e quindi non supporterebbe un'innalzamento della frequenza ad es:
533+25%=667MHz standard PC2-5300
533+30%=692MHz difficilmente una ram 667MHz, di media qualità, supporta una frequenza di questo tipo perciò bisogna usare un banco PC2-6400 per poter utilizzare l'overclock del 30%.

Un'altro paramentro che bisogna valutare è il CAS Latency (indicato con CL) che in parole povere determina il tempo impiegato dalla ram ad eseguire un'operazione (minore è il numero > prestazioni).
Formula: (1/frequenza ram) x CL
PC2-5300(667) CL4 tempo: 0,0059ns
PC2-6400(800) CL5 tempo: 0,0062ns ->N.B.tutto ciò se il mio fsb fosse di 800mhz ma in realtà raggiunge i 692MHz e quindi la reale velocità sarà pari a 0,0072ns

Nella realtà però non si notano differenze perciò il giusto compromesso costo\beneficio è un banco PC2-6400 CL5, in quanto ha un costo inferiore di almeno 10€ rispetto a una 667 CL4.
(nel mio caso ho comprato una corsair  5-5-5-18 a 20€ iva incl.)

FAQ(Frequently Asked Questions):
D.Cosa succede se il mio sistema va a 533mhz e acquisto una ram da 800?
R.La ram verrà utilizzata alla frequenza massima data dal sistema
D.La ram non viene letta dal pc..perchè? Perchè l'overclock da BIOS di  Asus Super Hybrid Engine non funziona?
R.Molto spesso i bios hanno una whitelist contenete le ram compatibili quindi prima di acquistare una ram leggete il manuale d'istruzione o contattate l'assistenza del vostro notebook
D.Ho comprato erroneamente una ram incompatibile non posso fare proprio nulla?
R.Si può sempre fare qualcosa:
1)Fare un reso presso il negozio
2)Modificare la whitelist del bios-->invalida la garanzia della scheda madre (procedura che non tratterò)
3)Modificare l'SPD della RAM-->invalida la garanzia della ram (leggi post overclock RAM)

A2. L'aggiornamento dell'hardware sui notebook è fortemente limitata, oltre alla ram, si possono sostituire gli hardisk meccanici con gli SSD entrylevel (On US15 Platform we don't have a real SATA port but a PATA controller that limit max transfer rate to 66MB\s (UDMA) ), i processori (i teoria è possibile anche sulla nostra piattaforma ma caldamente sconsigliata data la difficoltà nell'attuare la modifica) oppure inserire una nuova scheda video sostituendo l'hardware posto nello slot pci-e con una scheda stile broadcom es.bcm70012/970012 or 70015/970015

A3. Prima di continuare con la lettura vi consiglierei di controllare le temperature di esercizio del vostro dispositivo. Avere T<60°C giova a tutto il sistema (potete controllare con SpeedFan). Se volete cercare di abbassare le temperature di esercizio sulla nostra piattaforma potete pulire la ventola (basta aprire il case del portatile), applicare un nuovo pad termico più termo - conduttivo, regolare la ventola tramite utility come ad esempio il mio tool Optimus IEMGD (testato solo su dispositivi ASUS con GMA500)

1)Open  task manager and notice processes tab:
N.B. In Idle after 3' min after system boot a well setted PC should have a CPU value: 0%-10% , RAM usage <45% and HD usage <10%. Let's see what are possible errors.
2)Don't use Antivirus in real-time protection (disable this function or better unistall at all the program): our  CPU goes crazy! I don't use antivirus but for precaution every 6 month I downloaded,run it with a deep scan and after unistall it
->The real antivirus is the user that know what kind of programs is downloading!
N.B. Windows integrated an Antivirus so go to control pannel\Windows Defender and disable Real-time protection..your cpu will say thank you!
2)Download Ccleaner (freeware), install and Run it. Select in clean section also Windows Log and old prefetch data and start the clean process. After go to registry section and clean it (a backup will be created).

Now go to Tool Section\Startup (or AutoRun I don't remember in english) and turn-off all unneeded programs autorun.

3)Do a scandisk and defrag (if necessary)
4)Disable or Delete Scheduled useless Programs: Go to Control Panel\Admin Tools\Scheduled Tasks (in my case Google Updates, Synaptics ect). If you are using Asus Suite and Optimus IEMGD leave these tasks:

5)Intel ATOM Z5xx supports HyperThreading technology but by default this option isn't activated.
Go to start\run  msconfig Advanced Option\Number of processors "2".
 P.S. For a faster boot disable also interface as showed in picture
6)Alway in msconfig go to Services tab and remove unneeded files:
In my case a short list is:
-Adobe flash auto update
-check compatibility apps
-CyberLink PowerDVD service
-Google Update
-Microsoft Office Services
-Realtek audio service
-Acquisizione immagini di windows
-servizio di biometria windows
-segnalazioni di problemi e soluzioni
-servizio di segnalazioni errori windows
-family safety
-centro sicurezza pc
-windows search
-windows store services ( i don't use windows store)
-Servizio enumeratore dispositivi mobili: esportazione file da pen drive o ect.
-servizio supporto tecnico bluetooth
-servizio agente di raccolta dati ETW di Internet Explorer
-servizio di risoluzione problemi compatiblità programmi
-servizio tastiera virtuale e pannello per grafia
-servizio monitoraggio sensori

7)Advanced Services Disable: Go to start\run and digit services.msc there are too many services that usually are better to live as they are. But there is one that can speedup system boot. It is called Superfetch (ottimizzazione avvio)! Many people says to leave alway active but this choice depends by your pc use and hardware.
What is Superfetch? It is a technology that pre-loads commonly used applications into memory to reduce their load times.
It should be fantastic but isn't so in our slow pc because it requires HD (second picture in this post: HD value) and ram usage and if you have an HD with UDMA speed may results a real slow pc in the first 10min after systemboot.
What I suggest? If you have 1GB of ram leave it turned-on (because is necessary for ReadyBoost or down!), if you have 2GB you can try turn it off.
In my case I disabled this service: the boot is faster but autorun apps start more's not a problem because the OS is quickly reactive.
Anyway you can try to limit the superfech function via registry editing:
HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager\Memory Management\PrefetchParameters, "EnablePrefetcher" possible value 0 - 1 - 2 - 3
VALUE = 3 Superfetch manage SystemBoot and Apps
VALUE = 2 Superfetch manage only SystemBoot
VALUE = 1 Superfetch manage only Apps
VALUE = 0 Superfetch is turned-off

Note.Other possibile editable value in Memory Management are prefetch (always the same value of superfetch) and largefilesystem (0 or 1) but from my test them didn't change performance so i suggest to leave with default values!

8)ReadyBoost and eBoostr: these are 2 programs that help in virtualize ram. What i mean, them take a portion  of your pendrive or memory and use it as RAM. This is helpfull for the users with 1GB or for that use many programs (not my case). The first one is free and integrated in windows, the second is shareware. The only my suggest is to use a memory with efficacy (at least class 4 or better 10).

9)Disable useless visual effects for GPU: Control Panel\system\Advanced settings Advanced tab and select settings in Performance section. In visual effect tab unmark all except show preview icon
10)Disable Paging File (only for 2GB or more RAM): This method disable the function of virtualize HD as ram. So this solution will use totally ram,that is faster than hd, and will reduce hard-disk noise.
Note. If you use many apps, windows may allert you about low memory so instead of disable paging file use a setted dimension for initial and max.
The standard rule is to apply this formula RAM GB x 1,5
For ex. 2GB x 1,5 = 3000 MB for MIN and MAX 
Always in Performance section\settings go to Advance tab and select Change in virtual memory area:

11)Extra: Disable error dump-> Did you see that restarting pc with IEMGD active determinate BSoD? This requires time to collect info about the problem (blu screen with :( face and 0-100%).We can speed up the system reboot after a BSoD by disabling dump.
Control Panel\system\Advanced Settings Advanced Tab and click on settings in  Startup section

12)Disable HD buffer cache (tip for notebook or pc with UPS)
Control Panel\Device Manager select your Hard disk Properties: Mark Disable

13)Disable HD indexing file and windows search services (this last one from services.msc or msconfig)

14)Disable UAC (User Account Control): I don't think is really usefull because most of the people click always yes without looking at the Vendor
To disable this warning go panel control\user account modify user's settings:
15)Use Hybernation instead of turning-off your device. Really much more quick boot. And is also settable in auto when close your netbook display

16)Fast Boot in Windows 8 - 8.1 - 10, reduce memory usage and remove password check:
-Remove Password  from windows startup: I don't have any secret on my pc so why I should protect it with a password? To disable password from windows login with a Windows Online Account. Start\Run (Win+R) digit netplwiz and mark first function:
-Remove Password after hibernation: start\settings PC\Account\Access Options:
-Offline User like win 7 (release more RAM): Why i should have always my email openable when i'm sign-in my account? Why Xbox or other app may enter in my info? Why i have to wait more time in system boot for access in my desktop? Simply change User Account from online mode to offline. Start\settings PC\Account\Your Account -> DISCONNECT!
-how to restore confirm prompt when deleting a file: nostalgia? Right click to the Bin\Properties and mark last option

-unpin tiles from Metro UI: Really simple! Right click in your apps. Anyway less showed app and more fast is MetroUI
-dwm.exe (not working on win8.1\10: require system backup before test it): Desktop Windows Manager it's probably one of the factors that make slow GMA500 under Windows 8-8.1-10.
It's not disable under Win8.1 but anyway i've read on MSDN that is possible to arrest it under win 8 (don't know if RTM or Preview). Make a system restore point before try this solution:
1)Take ownership of C:\windows\system32\dwm.exe
2)Add Everyone "Deny execute"
3)Run MS-Dos with administrator right and paste: tskill explorer /a && tskill dwm /a
What is dwm? It is Desktop composition(Windows flip,DPI scaling,thumbnail preview,fullscreen magnifer,ect) that in windows 7 is only enabled with the AERO Glass Theme.

-Disable OneDrive backup
-Disable Charm Menu
-Remove sound and icon from system boot
-Disable notification of tray icon

17)Use my Optimus IEMGD Tool ;) To switch quickly between software and hardware rendering.
To add Suspancion and hybernation mode in power menu with software rendering (Microsoft Video Basic Driver)-> Start\Run (WIN+R) and digit powercfg.cpl and select the option wanted (in italia clickate nella barra sinistra con la scritta "Specificare cosa avviene quando viene chiuso il coperchio"
18)DirectX WARP: This solution is applicable to run apps with feature level >9.0 (GMA500 supports DirectX9.0). It is a software rendering and require a lot of CPU power (it is used for internal debug).
Testing with my device seems to add +1FPS in gaming under Win8.1. Other software rasterizers will be described in a future post.
REQUIRE DIRECTX11: C:\Windows\System32\dxcpl.exe
19)Removing Useless windows files:
Right click on your local hard drive C:\ ->Properties->Disk Clean->Advanced Clean ->Clean system files Select all files and also,in the second tab, delete Shadow files
In my case were erased 2GB of useless files!

20)Removing Windows Feature(reapply solution 19 after it). Sometime program like Dvdmaker or mediacenter are not used by normal user so why we have to waste hd free space?...wait post updated!

Cold Boot 1.33GHz:
Showed desktop: 40"
Loaded: Optimus IEMGD and Asus Services 1.15"
Resume from hybernation: 21"

Cold boot offline user with Basic Video Driver:
Showed desktop: 32"
Loaded 41"

ENG.Finally few time to write something. Above there is a short list of optimizations to improve Windows's speed.
Finalmente un pò di tempo per buttare giù qualche riga...
Purtroppo non ho ritrovato la mia iso moddata e ho reinstallato direttamente Win 7 Home Basic 32bit.
Dato che il sistema operativo è ancora "verginello" vi voglio mostrare alcune modifiche per cercare di velocizzare il sistema :D

-S.O. appena installato 8.85 GB con file swap
-Dopo 120 aggiornamenti (Microsoft e fallo sto ServicePack2!!!)+aggiornamento manuale directx 12.9 GB
-Dopo disabilitazione file swap 11.2 GB
Schema Ottimizzazioni:
1.Disabilitare i programmi in avvio: (Esegui: "msconfig" -> Tab Avvio; eliminate tutto ciò che non vi serve io lascio solo SHE e Hotkeys)
ENG.Disable programs from startup (Run:"msconfig"; kill all processes that you don't use)

2.Disabilitare alcuni servizi di windows (Esegui:"Services.msc" oppure "Servizi") ATTENZIONE POTREBBE RENDERE IL SISTEMA INSTABILE..dipende dal vostro utilizzo di solito tolgo telefonia,windows space ect.
ENG.Disable Windows services(Run:"Services.msc")

3.Disabilitare alcuni effetti grafici di windows (Pannello di controllo->Sistema->Impostazioni di sistema avanzate->tab Avanzate e impostazioni avanzate) nel mio caso lascio solo: Smussa gli angoli dei caratteri dello schermo + Utilizza stili di visualizzazione per finestre e pulsanti
ENG.Disable some Windows's Graphics effects (Control Panel->System->System Settings->Advanced settings) I usually leave only gui for windows and buttons+optimize display's characters

4.Abilitare Hyper-Threading (Esegui: "msconfig"->Tab Opzioni di avvio->Opzioni Avanzate)
ENG.Enable Hyper-Threading for your Atom processor

5.Disabilitare il file di swap (file di paging) (Pannello di controllo->Sistema->Impostazioni di sistema avanzate->tab Avanzate e impostazioni avanzate)
ENG.Disable paging file (Control Panel->System->System Settings->Advance settings)

6.Disabilitare l'indicizzazione dei file (Computer-> selezionate i vostri hard disk)
ENG.Disable indexing (Computer->Choose your hardisk)

7.Disabilitare\Disable Windows Search
8.Modifiche registro (esistono molti programmi che fanno questo sporco lavoro: LINK)
9.ReadyBoost (consigliato per notebook con 1GB di ram o meno; da associare alla disabilitazione del file di paging;Ulteriore consiglio:usate unità ad alta velocità per massimizzare le prestazioni es. Class6 o superiori)

10.Disabilitare Aero: tasto destro sul desktop\personalizza->Selezionate il tema Windows 7 basic
ENG.Disable Aero: Right click on desktop\?\Choose Windows 7 basic theme

11.Processi banali: Eliminare suoni windows (Pannello controllo->Audio->Tab Suoni->Combinazione suoni:"Nessun Suono");eseguite deframmentazione ogni mese su hard disk meccanici; eliminate icone dal desktop (anche il cestino)
ENG.Eliminate all unuseful task like sounds on startup
12.Per adesso non me ne vengono altri in mente eventualmente li aggiungerò più in là o se volete potete aggiungere suggerimenti nei commenti
N.B.Come sempre l'unico modo per far andare veloce il pc dipende da voi...non saturare la macchina con applicazioni e file inutili!
Vi lascio alcuni link utili a farvi fare le modifiche senza aspettare l'aggiornamento del post:
You can also read
LINK 2 (English)

Good Luck ;)

NEW! Check on Google for Ultimate Windows Tweaker or Sunrise Seven (they are freewares)
Extras: (Manual Mode)
1)Velocizzare spegnimento
Via Regedit: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE -> SYSTEM -> CurrentControlSet -> Control e selezionate e modificate la voce WaitToKillService impostando il tempo un tempo di attesa espresso in millisecondi che deve essere compreso tra 1000 e 12000. Una volta applicate le modifiche dovrete salvare il tutto e riavviate.
Fate una nuova cartella nominatela:
3)Avvio veloce (toglie rapidità avvio dei programmi)
Via Regedit portiamoci sulla seguente chiave:
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager\MemoryManagement\PrefetchParameters .
Cerchiamo la voce “EnableSuperfetch”. Modifichiamo il campo “Dati Valore”, assegnandogli il valore 0. Riavviate il computer
4)Conoscere l'assorbimento di corrente del vostro computer.
Esegui: POWERCFG - ENERGY - OUTPUT <percorso\nome della cartella>
<percorso\nome della cartella> è il percorso dove volete creare il report (per esempio potete scrivere powercfg -energy -output %USERPROFILE%\Desktop\Consumoenergia.html).
Selezionate il comando trovato da Windows, si aprirà una finestra DOS che avvia il processo in automatico; Windows creerà (in circa una sessantina di secondi) un file html, piuttosto lungo e articolato, nella cartella da voi specificata in cui elencherà i diversi parametri
5)Accelerare la visualizzazione delle anteprime nella Taskbar
Via regedit: HKEY_CURRENT_USERControl PanelMouse;
Fare doppio click su MouseHoverTime e modificare il valore corrispondente con 100 o una cifra inferiore
Timings (not still optimized speed):
Startup: 44'
Startup from Hibernation: 25'
Results without passwords with HardDisk (not SSD) for an operative O.S.

Extra. There a lot of programs to change themes, cursors, icons and sounds. But anyway we know that GMA500 may take disadvantages from this mods.
I will show a little simple mod to upgrade Windows 7 desktop look:

-Look on google for a desktop wallpaper, than if your image has more pixels than your display resolution use a program to reduce it (like irfanview) to a faster windows boot.
-Resize the windows bar ,from big to small, right click on it->Properties->Mark use small icons
-Remove system icons from tray icon: windows bar properties->tray icon personalize
-Remove designed area for "Show Desktop" (always active): Trasparent Show Desktop (use <2MB of RAM)
-Change Windows Start Button Icon : Windows Start Orb Changer
-Change path showed when click on 1° windows bar icon: Right click, Explorer's properties, change path from %windir%\explorer.exe  to %windir%\explorer.exe  "YOUR DESTINATION".
Example Open c:\ ->  %windir%\explorer.exe  "C:\"
-Remove Bin from desktop and put it in start menu: Right click on bin->add to start menu ; Right click on desktop,Personalize,Change Desktop Icons, unmark bin
-Change Mouse Cursors: Download from internet some mouse cursors and put in c:\windows\cursors. From Control Panel\Mouse select the cursor for function
-Small icon in  first page start menu and change elements: Windows bar Properties-> tab start menu -> Personalize
WINDOWS 8.1 Look (Lite) Some WallPaper,Windows 8.1 Start button & Cursors pack: DOWNLOAD

Note. I suggest two simple tips to accelerate Windows Graphic View:
1)Right click on desktop\Personalize select Theme Windows 7 Basic
2)Disable from Control Panel\System\Advanced System Settings\Advanced Tab\ first Settings button ->uncheck all graphic effects and leave only: Show preview instead of icons, smooth display characters and Use view styles for windows and buttons!
If you have other suggestions write a comment here!
N.b. there a lot of bilion mods for windows take a look at

Softwares Suggestions: (If you have any program to suggest add a comment!)
Let's start with  my basic programs..probably there is something better, let me know it!
1.Documents writer\reader: Office 2010 (faster than 2007 and lesser Win 8 style than 2013)
2.PDF Reader: SumatraPDF (really light program..i use it from 2011)
3.Multimedia Player: MPC-HC (play everything)
4.System Cleaner: CCleaner
5.Torrent: uTorrent
6.Programming: Visual Studio Express 2008: FREE ITALIAN ISO (lighter than 2010 on Atom z520)
7.Hex Editor: HexWorkshop
8.Disk ISO Reader: Daemon Tools Lite
9.Compressed Archives (zip\rar\7zip\ect.) WinRAR
Free Antivirus & AntiMalware Suggestions:
Usally can be sufficient one tool but in harder case use all these tools!
I'm on the opinion that the USER is the first powerful free antimalware (I use only system basic defence) but anyway not all common users pay attention of what they are downloading.
I wrote this list because today my mother brings me her eeePC 1005P infected.
Common Syntoms:  Ads, Shutdowns, unable to turn-on firewall
NB.CHECK Always if your Windows Firewall and Windows Defender are ACTIVE and updated!
Panda Cloud PRO: Online Antivirus but if your virus block internet you can't use it :D
AVG free (famous but i really don't like it)
Avast (one of most popular free antivirus) PRO without ads-popup
Avira (one of most popular free antivirus) PRO I suggest it for low-power PCs
Spybot Search and Destroy
Microsoft Securiry Essential + Microsoft iFixit (fix broken ms executable and remove malware)
Repair Windows Firewall: HERE (if MS products can't start firewall)
Do know other mods or others O.S. that may work? What was your experience?

6 commenti:

  1. Hi, I've been following your blog for some weeks. I have a 1101HA full boosted thanks to your post. I have also some tweaks of my own and if you want I could make a list for the blog.
    I post it here 'cause the first one is the most important, the OS. I've got W7 ultimate custom distribution called Win HD 3.1 that's only 695Mb and fits perfectly with our netbooks.
    Well thanks for the blog, good job!

    1. You can share all you want. this blog was make for that! ;)

      Here's my dropbox link!

    3. thank you..probably i'll will add your link to Micro Edition SECTION.
      Best regards

  2. I love you. You know the Windows as your name like me. Funny thing is if you do these things to new generation computers, sources will be used low and PC will be rocket. Again f*ck Windows 10.
